We are coping a little better with winter now that we are managing to heat our sitting room each evening and having an open fire. Today it was sunny and we made a start on preparing our laundry for painting - had to take 20 years junk off the storage shelves so they could be painted. Went up the road for lunch with good friend M and then enjoyed coffee and cake ( a very yummy madeira and hazelnut walnut cake I made from a German cake book I had for many years and decided to sell, seeing I had made only one of the recipes in all that time). Had a game of scrabble at home. Had a pleasant weekend in spite of the wet weather. Went to Newmarket and browsed the shops in 277 after Mass at St Ben's on Sunday. Managed to buy a nice pair of trousers - red and navy herringbone tweedy look from the Laura Ashley shop. E came round for dinner which was nice.
Yesterday we went to see the movie Becoming Jane - about the life of Jane Austen. Feel inspired to read a bit more of her life and works again, remembering how much enjoyment we got out of her novels studying them with SMV at St Mary's all those years ago, or was it at Varsity as we called it then.
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