Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day Miscellany

Had a pleasant Mother's Day with E bringing a lovely light banana cake and D,  Lindt orange and almond chocolate,  and potted blue and white pansies. I had bought a delicious chocolate and hazelnut gugelhupf cake which we sampled too.   Made a special chicken casserole, out of an early Alison Holst recipe book for dinner - Country Captain Chicken Curry which was very tasty.  Had made a trip to the supermarket to get currants to go in it but forgot to add them at the end. Something is happening to my short term memory it seems. 

The clutter around the house does not make it any easier easy.  I am searching at present for the red Murano glass dish I bought in Venice on my first OE in the 1960s but was delighted to find a turquoise  bullicante (with a myriad of bubbles) one in a favourite op shop.These would have been used as ashtrays in the olden days  but nowadays they look nice as an art glass "thing of beauty and a joy to behold". Also bought a couple of CDs as I passed the Ponsonby op shop but found when I got home the case of one was empty - the Elgar -  so was disappointed.  My resolve to stop hoarding didn't last very long.    I had listened to an interview on the radio with a woman who has written a book on how to combat this complaint (to put it mildly).  Have requested the boook from the library to have another go.   

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Road Trip to Taranaki

Four of us took off to Taranaki with friend Sue at the wheel to see  the sights.  Stayed in New Plymouth  and from there explored the area, sampling  the excellent small-town culture dotted  round the province.     In the Govett-Brewster  I had seen a Lawrence Aberhart photographic exhibition , lonely views of old halls and dairy factories , shops and facades that were  so evident on our road trip round the mountain. In many cases women seem to be the new entrepreneurs in these small towns with a plethora of great  cafes, (Rhubarb Cafe in Eltham  - fabulous cheese scones, and Sugar Juice Cafe in Opunake - delicious seafood chowder at under $10) as well as   vintage shops crammed full of byegone treasures including lots of Crown Lynn. 

Sampled and purchased some cheese for the next little while from the great range available at the Cheese Bar in Eltham, home of the gourmet cheese sold there.  Stocked up on creamy blue cheese which I will add to a cole slaw recipe I like, cumin cheese I enjoy with a ciabatta roll and guava jelly and other delights.

The mountain unshrouded itself in spectacular beauty on our last morning and pleased Dierter no end. 

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Eli's Graduation

Waited in chilly Queen Street for the procession at 9.30 but didn't see Eli in the throng of other students, all very colourful in their hoods and best dress.  Lots of proud parents including us  and we managed to meet up at Aotea Square which was filled with happy family groups.  Later in the day attended the graduation ceremony in the Aotea Centre.