Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Wedding in Berlin

Some of my friends have wedding anniversaries in January. I am not sure when this wedding was but it was in Berlin 1969 or 1970 maybe, in the middle of winter, possibly also in January. My school and university friend Monica McGreal was the bride, her husband, American serviceman in Berlin, Steve De Ment, and I was the bridesmaid. Monica's dress was trimmed with mink, with matching muff and hat, and she wore white boots. My dress was bright red, and the white woollen waistcoat was embroidered in red and black. I wore a black hat and boots. Monica was working in Berlin at the American base, I was working in the public library in Wolfsburg. It was a small wedding - Monica's mother was there from New Zealand and the rest were American friends of the young couple. They started their married life in a cute little cottage in Glienicker Strasse not far from the Stoelpchensee and they lived there for a couple of years before carrying on their married life in the States. They came back to NZ about 20 years ago. Sadly Steve died in August 2011.