Sunday, November 30, 2014

Waiheke Mid-Week

What with D in hospital I decided to have a bit of respite over on Waiheke in between visiting him and carrying on with my normal activities.  He has had ongoing digestive problems, trouble with  swollen feet and also is feeling depressed, now the main problem.  They say he will be home well before Christmas.  

I like the weekday atmosphere on the island.
This is the lovely scene that greets you on entering Matiatia Harbour. 
Bought myself a Monet jigsaw puzzle for a couple of dollars at the op shop and repaired to Solar cafe to catch up on my emails over a flat white and an apricot and vanilla muffin, crammed full of apricot bits I might add.
The garden at Solar is full of colour and greenery, but also featuresitems from yesteryear like this old pedal car. 
The deli pictured below has organic fruit and vege as well as delicious Turkish bread made on the island which we often buy. Next to it is a lovely craft shop of local arts.and crafts.