I have been to our Knitterati knitting group today . After an hour or so we toddled off to look at a couple of galleries - Whitespace and Objectspace. The latter had a retrospective display of jewellery by Peter McKay who was making little decorated copper and silver fishes which were sold through Fingers Gallery where I bought one as a cheer-me up way back in 1992. Also bought a little silver kiwi which was his work too which I gave it to my Perth goddaughter to remind her of her heritage. He has gone on to bigger and different pieces, including symbolic and miraculous pieces with Gospel scenes which I liked too. Whitespace had some small paintings - by Nicky Foreman - 5 rows of 15 or so small paintings, sellings by the row (all sold) and a few larger paintings. She is from Taranaki and brings in the landscape to her paintings. We all liked them and may try to do some small mixed media pictures ourselves next week.
We went to Leys Institute to knit last week. It was very quiet but by the end of our stint there was a bit more life in the place. It was so silent with a lot of men looking balefully at us occupying their/our space.
Friday night was the end of year party - Dress for your favourite destination. I am still very foind of Berlin so wore Dieter's Berlin t shirt which he bought there last year. Lots of bubbly, cocktails and other drinks and finger food to go with it. We had the usual power point demo of our year's successes and all the increases in visits, hits on the website etc etc. We have been rewarded with the usual extra day's leave and a morning tea for each dept.
Saturday night went to Andrew Brown's engagement party to the young and beautiful Sara. It was a happy occasion and we were delighted to share in the celebrations with their extended families.
On Sunday it was a wet day so we forewent our usual jaunt to Orewa and went to the movies instead - Go for Zucker, all about 2 Jewish brothers with completely different lifestyles who have to reconcile before they can inherit from their mother’s estate - one of the conditions of her will. They get there in the end!
We booked our trip to Vietnam for the beginning of October and paid the deposit this morning so it is all go again.
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