Had the kind of nice Waitangi Day I like. In the absence of any tv programmes on the Treaty or celebrations , I listened to 2 or 3 hours of interesting radio on the Treaty and what it means to be a New Zealander and how New Zealand was or was not taught in schools and universities in the past. The various histories of New Zealand were reviewed and I resolved to read some of them this year.
After all that had my usual couple of scrabble games for the day, one loss followed by a win and listed a few books on Trademe. Sold an old office chair last week - it used to be in our National Park bach and came from the Ohakune railway station I believe. It had languished under the house for a number of years and now has an enthusiastic new young owner whose father is going to restore it for him ie remove the Sid Vicious graffiti off it that embellished it after a certain person's punk rock phase. Also sold a book on Stewart Island for Dieter which he was pleased about.
Went for a swim down at Sentinel Road Beach in Herne Bay. The water was a little cool but lovely to be swimming in such nice surroundings with the Harbour Bridge in the distance.
Out to the Food Hall for a meal of Laotian red chicken noodles - in a spicy coconut cream sauce. Listening to more Treaty issues on the radio and preparing myself mentally for the workaday world tomorrow.
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