Waiheke yet again
Hadn't been over for about a month and this was our last opportunity to go on the Sculpture Walk and go to the Mike Morgan exhibition at Artworks. The first photo is of the Jeff Thompson sculpture - about 15 water tanks with bits of sculptured iron floating on platforms on top of the water. They were priced at
$9000 each I heard somebody say. I saw the maquettes for these at the Sculpture on a Plinth exhibition also at Artworks and they were bake
d beans tins and the like. The other three took my fancy too.
Hadn't been over for about a month and this was our last opportunity to go on the Sculpture Walk and go to the Mike Morgan exhibition at Artworks. The first photo is of the Jeff Thompson sculpture - about 15 water tanks with bits of sculptured iron floating on platforms on top of the water. They were priced at

The last picture is of my own Mike Morgan picture which I bought in 1997.
The house is in Cowan St he told me recently when I met the artist out and about one day on Waiheke. He was living opposite and painted it from the place he was staying at. He is still painting these villas, often incorporating them into his other paintings. He does a lot of surreal Waiheke beach scenes which I also like, as do a lot of other people who had bought all but one of the 22 paintings when I looked at them. If you ever have cause to visit the Oneroa Police Station , as I did to report my lost watch , there is a delightful one featuring many policemen which they commisioned for the new station.
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