Friday, June 24, 2011

Samoa Holiday

We got home late yesterday afternoon and I have been taking it easy and lying low, getting used to winter again after balmy days of 30 degrees or more. We were not affected by the ash cloud at all - good old Air NZ for finding a solution and flying lower. I suppose we could have stayed longer if they couldn't fly. Aggie Grey's was quiet for a a couple of days but then the

y picked up a bit with more Aussie guests. There were some athletics on for young people from the Pacific.

We had a good week though I was saddened that things are economically depressed there. The infrastructure is rather run down too. Roads, ,footpaths, buses, rubbish and litter problems spoil things a bit. The weather was good and the hotel nice and comfortable, meals pricey but OK, especially the fish. Am pleased to be home and having vegetables, dairy, meat etc. Only the fruit was cheap and freely available at the market.
Went on a tour one day - a drive around the coast and back inland with a few stops to take photos and a 2 hour break at a beach for a swim and relax. The water was lovely and warm, though there was a bit of a rip and I didn't go in far or stay in long. Had a picnic lunch there.
We did go out to a couple of other restaurants near the hotel otherwise dined in at Aggie Grey's. Had the buffet breakfasts each morning - everything would have been imported except maybe the eggs and fruit.

Otherwise did sightseeing a deux each day, going to a couple of museums, up a very steep hill on a tramp to Robert Louis Stevensons tomb. Was pleased we both made it there and back in one piece. We went on long walks to see anything or everything there was to see. I wore out my sandshoes!

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