Monday, May 02, 2011

Busy Monday

Started the week with a very busy programme of events - out of the house at 9.30 am on the Knitterati trip to Papakura and back home at 9.30pm after bowls. Met a friend for lunch at Glen Innes, preceded by a fossick around the excellent Hospice op shop and went to the Celebration Choir session after that.

The purpose of the Knitterati trip was to knit in public on the

train and visit an exhibition, Living Halls, in Papakura featuring Memorial Halls built in New Zealand towns and cities after the First and Second World Wars. There were about 240 of them and the exhibition featured about 50 painted by artists from the town concerned. There was also an exhibition of the old plans found in the Archives. The curator happened to be there and it was good hearing about the halls first hand.

Am all inspired to do some patchwork again, having sorted out some patches over Easter for a small project, probably an oven cloth for one of my friends. I like to listen to music in the afternoon and do somthing useful at the same time and this fills the bill. Malkovitch liked my big butler's tray of arranged patches and plonked himself down gingerly, mussing them up somewhat. The pictures are of some of my first oven cloths from way back in the 70s or 80s.

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