We had a little jaunt today over to Waiheke seeing it had been raining all weekend. It was lovely as usual - just had 4 hours there - went in to Oneroa and had lunch at a cafe then walked back home along the beach and through the bush. It was lovely. Only bummer was that Dieter left his bag with his new digital camera on the Link bus this morning. It was an expensive German one. Our next big holiday, the cruise will be fun, but I had been hoping to see my Aunt Anne-Marie but she died suddenly last week. She was 91. She was my mother's sister and lived all her life in Germany , except for a spell in France during the war before she was married. She was always very good to me, especially when I went to Germany the first couple of times and used to get a bit homesick from time to time, really only the first time I went. I used to go to their place for Christmas and Easter and some of my friends visited me there to0. I learned how to bake and cook German specialities - a delicious hazelnut cake, I made in her memory and for Dieter this weekend, and a nice chocolate and hazelnut cake. She was a typical German Hausfrau with very high standards and didn't approve of my shortcuts or slapdash approach to some things!
Her daughter lived with her the last four or five years and looked after her as well as holding down a part-time job lecturing in theology at the University of Saarbrucken. It will be sad going back to the village this year.
Her daughter lived with her the last four or five years and looked after her as well as holding down a part-time job lecturing in theology at the University of Saarbrucken. It will be sad going back to the village this year.