Escaped the city yet again for a lovely warm summery weekend at the bach, which is looking very spic and span after being painted late last year. The bottom picture is the view from the street. The back view is even nicer with a lovely shady deck and native trees such as a big pohutukawa and a puriri tree which harbour tui and kereru. Old school friend Eileen was with us again and this time we made a dash for the Ostend market to pick up some herb spread. Unfortunately it was on closing time when we arrived so missed Jenny and her tamarind chutney. Eileen found some later at the deli and bought it there instead and presented us with both as an unexpected gift for the lunch table. The herb spread is like pesto but with different herbs and even flower petals of calendula and lavender. It is delicious and goes well on bread, in salads, or added to sour cream to make a delicious potato salad dressing. The tamarind chutney is delicious with cheese, any cold meats or quiche. We have been buying these island specialities for a few years now and never tire of them.
On Saturday night we tried out the new French restaurant in Surfdale, Frenchot and had a delicious meal of bouillabaisse , laden with prawns, cockles, pieces of fish in a very tasty broth with croutons. We had a selection of French sausage and cheeses as an entree and a lemony- tasting creme brûlée for dessert.
Good friend Marlene came over for the day on Sunday. We met her after Mass in Oneroa at our favourite cafe, Solar where we had coffee and savoury muffins.
Oneroa Bay was studded with boats and the beach and grassy banks dotted with groups enjoying picnics. We had a swim although the water was rather cold and hard to get into. I took my time and enjoyed it in the end. Bused back to the bach for a late lunch of Turkish bread, salad, cheese, salmon and cold meats, followed by stewed pears, passionfruit and peaches from our Ponsonby and Waiheke gardens.
Decided to stay an extra night and day and had a wonderfully exhilarating swim at Oneroa Beach, this time buffeted around by the waves.
Will return to the island for a third weekend next weekend and will have to think of some new things to do.