Seem to have been a bit lax in completing the holiday blog, but hey there is always next year to have a better go. This past week celebrated birthday and wedding anniversary, both in a low-key way which is the way I like it. Have had several goes at baking a cake but each time the eggs and butter go back in the frig. Today I ground the hazelnuts so that is an advance.
Spent the long weekend, Labour Weekend, at Waiheke which was very pleasant after having it let for 3 months while we were away. Walked to the market and stocked up on local spepcialities like Maureen's picallili and a delicious herb spread from another stall. Celebrated the birthday with a restaurant meal at Bowlers across the road.
Have been catching up with friends in Ponsonby, usually for lunch and a browse in the shops along Ponsonby Rd. Bought myself a filmy black and floral jacket/blouse which I will be wearing over summer and also a nice recipe book full of old-fashioned reccipes from yesteryear which I am looking forward to trying out, once I have restocked the pantry.
Today after our gym class our YMCA social club paid a visit to the synagogue across the road and had a guided tour organized by one of our members. It was interesting to hear about their festivals and the stories behind them.
Later Dieter and I went up to an art gallery and looked at some before and after reunification photographs of Berlin and other East Germany cities. It reminded us of when we lived in Germany in the late 60s-early 70s and went to some of these citiies on our travels.
Elisabeth did this public art in nearby Cox's Bay.