Spent the day getting ready for the evening, making the mince tarts during the afternoon. The fruit mince is mixed with crushed pineapple. Had a nice meal in the evening then after some carols and candlelight opened our presents which are now all over the table. One of the problems I am having with my condition is that my perception of time seems to be affected so time is going twice as fast, which is not so good when you are trying to make the most of it! Before I knew it, it was midnight.
Mass at the Cathedral today which was quite memorable with the choir singing beautifully. It was chocka with standing room only at the end. One of the last seats near us was occupied by a portly gent bearing a carton of bottles of wine(?} and another bag of them. By the time the choir got to Ave Maria he was overcome with emotion and started sobbing, kneeling and beating his breast with remorse{?}. I asked him if he was alright at the sign of peace and he said he was. He said his prayers very loudly from an antiquated mass book.
Came home and had our ham and cheese croissants , then went off to visit an elderly friend, and then to the beach for a swim with friend Margaret, whose boys weren't coming round until the evening like Elisabeth.
Had our cold turkey, ham, salad and cheese potatoes and now this very nice Christmas is drawing to a close. Off to Waiheke tomorrow for a week.