It certainly was a magical fortnight experiencing so many countries from the comfort of the Viking Neptune, whose crew came from the various countries we were visiting - Roumania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and Germany. Each day there was a tour to one of the capitals or into the countryside with free time to shop or visit museums. Serbia was a bit drab and our guide was always going on about the Nato attacks. Never mentioned the Bosnians or the Kosovans. They have long memories here where history is concerned, especially re the Turks who ruled over 500 years ago.
It was nice to visit Hungary after 38 years. There were a lot more people out and about on the Sunday as their national celebration was coming up. They were rehearsing for the aerobatics display with small planes swerving under the bridges crossing the Danube, all a bit scary for me to watch. In the afternoon they opened the one big bridge and had a sort of fair with food, crafts and music. Bought some cherry strudel and listened to gypsy music before continuing on to the Ethnographic Museum with interesting collections of pottery, costumes, implements, etc.
We had been to Vienna all those years ago too and this time it was full of tourists with warnings about pickpockets. We had visited Schloss Belvedere in the morning and seen some Klimts and in the afternoon went to the Leopold Art Museum to look at rooms of Klimts and Schieles, the highlight of Vienna for me.
Then it was on to Germany - first Passau with its cathedral where we went to an organ recital (along with hundreds of other tourists), then Regensberg, with the pope's former cathedral and finally Nurnberg. Saw the infamous Zeppelin Stadium, left in a semi-derelict condition so as not to stir any nationalistic tendencies among those who might have otherwise be that way inclined. Bought some gingerbread in the market square.
Left the boat after Nurnberg and travelled down to Bonn to stay with friends and do a bit of sightseeing (History Museum, Rhein promenade, another museum) and have some retail therapy.
Have been home a couple of days and am very much looking forward to going back to work tomorrow!