Have progressed through Advent in a more low-key homebased way seeing friends or writing to them. Made two lots of cookies - checkerboard cookies and very nice hazelnut ones. No rolling out and cutting out this year - dough was shaped into a log, chilled then sliced and baked. Easy peasy as they say.
Saturday night we went to a Musica Sacra concert of Christmas music at the refurbished cathedral, a very nice venue for a concert like that, though rather warm with all those people in it. Accompanied by a brass ensemble they sang many carols from over the centuries, interpersed with some old familiar ones which the audience could sing along to with the choir.
Will make some little Christmas mince tarts today and then I will be ready for Christmas.
Saturday night we went to a Musica Sacra concert of Christmas music at the refurbished cathedral, a very nice venue for a concert like that, though rather warm with all those people in it. Accompanied by a brass ensemble they sang many carols from over the centuries, interpersed with some old familiar ones which the audience could sing along to with the choir.
Will make some little Christmas mince tarts today and then I will be ready for Christmas.