Have been a bit lax in updating this as I have 2 new hobbies which are giving me a lot of fun and taking up a lot of day and night time. First of all I am doing a decoupage course at Art Station which involves fossicking out old wooden containers , objects etc, painting them, then sticking pictures on and polyurethaning several coats of that over the top to make said object nice and shiny. I have done coathangers, picture frames, little dishes , round boards so far , giving things a new lease of life. Will add some images soon
The second one is online scrabble which is quite anonymous so it doesn't matter how bad I am! I have won a few games though and used to consider myself a good player until I started this lark. It is at
Spent the weekend at Waiheke where we tried to get the garden into shape - lawn, pruning shrubs and trees and letting a bit more light in. Had to buy a new washing machine which we also accomplished as the old one leaked badly all over the nice newly polished floor and made the most disconcerting noise.